Monday, January 30, 2012

Personal Narrative

We are working on writing our personal narratives for the next couple of weeks in class.  This concept is a little tricky for my kids, so I would like your help! If you could help your child think of one event (i.e. going on vacation, trip to the zoo, visiting Grandma's house, etc) and fill out the "All About____" book at home, I would greatly appreciate it. :)  Please remind your child that the event must be true since it is a personal narrative (story about themselves). A lot of times students want to write about make believe stories or things they would like to do, so it can be a little confusing. Please have your child return the book by Wednesday, Feb. 1st so we can begin writing our narratives. This book does not have to be a work of art, just a starting place for our narratives.

I have included a couple of pictures of the "narrative" (ok...mine is not actually true, but the kids won't know that!!) I wrote for you to use as an example. You may want to glue in actual pictures from the event or they can simply illustrate it themselves. Thanks for your continued help! :)

(The boxes are for the illustrations/photographs.)

If you would like to read some personal narratives at home to your child this week, here are a couple of great examples:
A Chair for My Mother
Nana Upstairs and Nana Downstairs

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Spelling Words for January 23-27

At the Curriculum Night we hosted in December, a few parents requested the spelling words the weekend before the test so the kids would have plenty of time to practice the words. I will post the spelling words for the next week at least by Friday. Here are next week's words:

Penguins: how, world, little, our, more, these, over, give, try, children

Seals: fork, sword, stork, corn, toward, four, award, bored, scored

Walruses: heard, third, dirt, blurt, shirt, squirt, skirt, desert, alert, turn

Polar Bears: again, want, any, under, both, bare, water, any, tall, old


We have been working on nouns for the past several weeks. We have learned about common nouns, proper nouns, and possessive nouns. Recently, we have been learning about singular and plural nouns. To help better understand the different between the two, we played a little game!!

They class was divided into groups of 4. Each group was given a set of "Memory Match: Noun Style" cards. The game is very similar to the traditional Memory game. However, in this game students had to match the singular noun to the plural noun. We they made the match, they had to tell their teammates which noun was singular and which was plural AND why (the plural noun has an "s" at the end). They really had a great time reinforcing this new skill! :)

This was a "cookie" noun sort we also played.  One student suggested we make real sugar cookies as a class and write nouns on them with icing. (I think she might be a teacher someday!)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Spelling Words for the Week of January 2-6

It has come to my attention that I gave out a spelling list today that they kids have already taken. The last time they had a spelling test it was given by a sub, and I couldn't remember what test they needed. I will give them a new word list tomorrow!! If they aren't ready for the test by Friday, then we can always take it on Monday. Sorry!!!

Also, I included a "Spelling Star Work Mat" to the spelling packet. Please keep it at home or in their folder. Many parents requested another copy of the sheet at our Curriculum Night in December. Please keep it as a reference, and if you want to do something that is not on the list, then just write me a quick note. Thanks!