Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Welcome to Our Flexible Reading Group Blog!

Hi Parents!

Welcome to our blog! This is an informal blog where I will post what we are learning in our flexible reading group. I will post information weekly about what we are learning, homework assignments, and pictures of students learning. I am very excited to be teaching your children in my reading group! Although communicating homework expectations has been challenging since our groups have started, the kids have done a great job of adapting to the changes! They seem to be growing every day as a reader, and I can't wait to see how much progress they will make this year!

Below you will find a description of what we will learn in our reading group and homework expectations. Please feel free to email me with any questions/concerns you may have about reading. (lindsay.poer@fayette.kyschools.us)

In-Class Work:

Literature Circles: All students in my reading group will be working on reading chapter books. They will be in groups of 6, and will each have a role/job to perform with every chapter they read. They will be allowed to read their chapter book in class and work on their role/job for that chapter. They will be expected to take their job packet home if they do not finish it in class. They will need lots of parent assistance to complete their roles/jobs when we begin literature circles. Please discuss their roles with them and read over their work. They will be presenting their work to their groups, so please help them prepare!


Spelling: They will have 10 spelling words per week and a "bonus" or challenge word. They will all have the Spelling Star work mat to choose an activity from each week. Please keep this mat in their folder each week (they will keep the same one week after week).

Reading Log: They will have a reading log to complete each week. They are expected to read 4 times per week for at least 15 minutes. They are also asked to respond to their favorite book they read that week. They may choose a book to read from the library, home, or literature circle (as long as they read it at home with you).

Thank you for your support in your child's learning!

Ms. Poer

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